This installation is a visualisation of the need of many to escape from the constant stream of digital stimulation. Emails, calls, messages and social media platforms are constantly with us and have become part of our daily life. A moment without these triggers would allow you to recharge. Attaining one thing by omitting another.
With the usage of different colours, the artists show that in this craving there is not only the individual but also the collective. Through repetition of forms in the installation a uniformity arises representing the collective experience. Each colour has been carefully selected to strengthen the feeling of tranquility, to match with the entirety of the installation and at the same time the pieces can stand alone without compromising the story.
This piece is a collaboration between Corine van Voorbergen and Esmay Wagemans. Esmay Wagemans is a science fiction artist who sees the human as a creature of social reality as well as a creature of fiction. She reflects on the digitization and technologization of society by providing a feminine point of view on what these developments mean for the future human body. By focusing on- and exploring the process of material, she is forever in search of creating new human shapes. Corine van Voorbergen and Esmay Wagemans combined their vision and creativity to realise this installation piece ‘OOO’.